The campaign helped increase the number of organ donors by 500 percent year-on-year. Foto: BoBo
The campaign helped increase the number of organ donors by 500 percent year-on-year. Foto: BoBo

More people registered as organ donors in the first three months of 2017 than they do in an average year, Barbara Uštar of Slovenija Transplant told MMC. The aim of the campaign is to raise awareness about organ donation and transplantation.

"Don't Wait, Become a Donor triggered a massive response from the public. It sparked new interest in organ donation. Our website,, has received a lot of traffic, an unprecedented number of people have called Slovenija Transplant, and they have sent in many questions through our website or via email. The response has been overwhelmingly positive. This has helped boost the number of registered organ donors," said Uštar, adding that the aim of the campaign is to raise awareness as well as increase the number of organ donors in Slovenia.

A new campaign called Daj se na seznam (Get on the List) was recently launched. The aim of the campaign is to encourage people, especially young people, to join the haematopoietic stem cell registry. The registry is a powerful weapon in the fight against leukaemia and other blood cancers.

The project aims to promote social responsibility, and the advertising campaign was handled AV Studio and IPPR. According to Uštar, media outlets have also helped spread the word. "Raising public awareness is one of our top priorities. Media companies have also donated ad space and commercial time for our cause," she said.

A new campaign aiming to raise awareness about organ donation is expected to be launched in the near future.

Gorazd Kosmač, Andrej Čebokli; translated by D. V.