Visiting Slovenia to mark the ten years since Slovenia adopted the euro, European Central Bank President Mario Draghi emphasized the importance of further integration within the European Union and the Eurozone. Foto: BoBo
Visiting Slovenia to mark the ten years since Slovenia adopted the euro, European Central Bank President Mario Draghi emphasized the importance of further integration within the European Union and the Eurozone. Foto: BoBo

He stressed that this is the only way that Europe can face up to threats and risks, as well as the only way to maintain sustainable economic growth. Unity is the key to security within the EU, added Draghi, and stated that Slovenia can be proud of what it has achieved as a nation.

"Even though the last few years have been difficult for both Slovenia and the rest of the European Union, you should not forget of what you achieved as a nation ten years ago. After just two years of EU membership, you were the first new member to join the Eurozone. We must preserve the process of European integration, which has allowed Slovenia's economic growth to increase by 40 percent," in part by carrying on with reforms, added Draghi. President Borut Pahor shared these views, while Bank of Slovenia Chairman Boštjan Jazbec reminded the audience of the difficult crisis years. He stated that even though the Bank of Slovenia is the target of constant criticism, he is proud of the decisions the bank made during the most critical moments in 2013.

Observers expect that Draghi's visit will include closed-door discussions about last year's criminal investigations at the Bank of Slovenia, which had prompted ECB to file a complaint with the European Commission.

U. J. B. (RA SLO)
Translated by J. B.