All of the people facing criminal complaints are men and citizens of Slovenia; they are between 37 and 69 years of age. Foto: BoBo
All of the people facing criminal complaints are men and citizens of Slovenia; they are between 37 and 69 years of age. Foto: BoBo

The head of the Bureau of Investigations at the Nova Gorica Police Department Marino Pangos explained that the complaints were filed against seven people because one criminal act was committed jointly by two individuals. Among other charges, the investigators filed three complaints alleging the creation of a dangerous situation and two complains alleging the forgery of documents. All of the people facing criminal complaints are men and citizens of Slovenia; they are between 37 and 69 years of age.

One of the persons facing criminal charges allegedly forged a document describing how the valves of the devices were tested. Another made use of this document and tried to pass it off as authentic. The investigation also showed that the person authorized to connect flexible pipes to the device install medical gasses failed to carry out the task, which was then completed by the unauthorized duo.
The charged do not include hospital employees

Four people are charged of creating a general danger during the construction of the emergency ward. The individuals failed to carry out due diligence when the medical gasses were installed and when the medical devices were put together, according to Pangos. He added that two of the men managed the work directly, while two were authorized to oversee the execution of the work. He added that there are no employees of the Šempeter hospital or the Ministry of Health among those facing criminal complaints.

Pangos also pointed out that the criminal investigation is not yet complete. Police are still collecting information about people who may be partly responsible for the death of the patient. The police department has also asked an independent medical institution for an expert opinion, on the basis of which investigators will be able to determine if the faulty connection was responsible for any additional deaths. The problematic resuscitation towers in the emergency ward were used on fewer than seven patients.

Sa. J., L. L., Mojca Dumančič, Televizija Slovenija
Translated by J. B.