"The readily available food is such that we can quickly consume a large number of calories, while due to the modern sedentary way of life our body doesn't burn them", explains Mojca Gabrijelčič Blenkuš from the National Institute of Public Health. Foto: Reuters

"In Slovenia we can still speak of an epidemic of obesity, which however has started to decline," doc. dr. Mojca Gabrijelčič Blenkuš from NIJZ said. According to data by the Faculty of Sport, the trend is more noticeable among boys, although the problem of obesity among them is still more widespread than among girls.
"Fattening" environment, and permissive upbringing
There are several reasons for excessive children and juvenile body weight, and according to Gabrijelčič Blenkuš "fattening" environment is one of them. "To put it simply, the readily available food is such that we can quickly consume a large number of calories, while due to the modern sedentary way of life our body doesn't burn them," she explains.
The economic situation of a family has an influence on obesity as well. According to NIJU early childhood is extremely important for health in later periods in life; they warn of the connection between living in straitened circumstances in childhood, and poor health in adulthood.
It is good to again place emphasize on the fact that obesity is a very complex social problem, and therefore it would be meaningless to present it as individual persons' fault. Since decisions on nutrition are more influenced by availability than by individual decisions, NIJZ advocates systemic measures which would allow children to develop healthy nutrition and movement habits.