According to reporter Elen Batista Štader, Erjavec said that the Slovenian ambassador to Hungary today met with officials from the Hungarian Interior Ministry. After the meeting, the Hungarian authorities promised to remove the fence along the country’s border with Slovenia. "We are very pleased," Erjavec said, adding: "Apparently, our diplomatic efforts have yielded positive results."
Fence along parts of the Slovenian-Hungarian border
On Thursday, Hungary started erecting a barbed wire fence along parts of the Slovenian-Hungarian border – without notifying Slovenia. Their efforts to build a fence continued today, but they already started removing some other parts of it. In the morning, Hungary erected 200 metres of barbed wire fence along the border between the Pince-Tornyiszentmiklós border crossing and the A5 motorway. At the same time, Hungary removed 150 metres of barbed wire fence on the other side of the motorway.
Earlier today, a barbed wire fence was erected near the village of Žitkovci pri Dobrovniku, but it has already been removed. At the Hodoš border crossing, Hungarian land surveyors installed fence poles, but removed them later.