According to figures from the Trade Union of Journalists, the profession of a journalist today is being performed by a similar number of individuals as in 2008. Foto: BoBo
According to figures from the Trade Union of Journalists, the profession of a journalist today is being performed by a similar number of individuals as in 2008. Foto: BoBo

According to figures from the Trade Union of Journalists, the profession of a journalist today is being performed by a similar number of individuals as in 2008. The only difference is that the share of precarious workers then represented only a fifth of all journalists. The case of ever more precarious forms of employment is however not the only challenge the profession faces.
A number of researches reveal that free news portals, supported by advertising, have become the basic source of information. The changes in the media industry have mostly been felt by the printed press, which continues to record falls in circulations and advertisers. The consequences are: letting employees go and moving to content on a digital platform. Media experts forecast that in the long run only specialized magazines, intended for a narrow target group of readers, will survive.