
The fastest growing market for the past few years is China, where export sales have already surpassed one million euros this year.

While Slovenian vintners exported as little as 91,000 euros’ worth of wine to China in 2009, this number rose to 845,000 euros last year and more than a million euros in the first seven months of this year, reports the deputy director of the Slovenian Statistical Office Karmen Hren.

Import on the rise, too
During this period the import of wine has increased, too. In 2016, Slovenia imported 13 million litres of wine, out of which 85 percent originated from Italy, France, Macedonia, Germany and Spain.

In the past ten years, the average retail price for a litre of quality wine rose by about 50 percent in shops as well as bars and restaurants. In 2016, the average price in the former stood at EUR 3.05 and at EUR 12.81 in the latter.