In the wider city centre area you will now have to pay to park a vehicle from 7 a.m. onwards. On Saturdays the pay parking hours will be extended until 3 p.m. Foto: BoBo
In the wider city centre area you will now have to pay to park a vehicle from 7 a.m. onwards. On Saturdays the pay parking hours will be extended until 3 p.m. Foto: BoBo

In the wider city centre area you will now have to pay to park a vehicle from 7 a.m. onwards. On Saturdays the pay parking hours will be extended until 3 p.m. Another novelty is that you will now have to pay for parking in Tivoli until 10 p.m.

The head of the municipality department, David Polutnik, announced that the Municipality of Ljubljana will also make available a number of new parking places.