Faculties must report their plans for repayment of illegal bonuses Foto: BoBo
Faculties must report their plans for repayment of illegal bonuses Foto: BoBo

Faculties at which the inspectorate had established illegal payments of standby bonuses were given 90 days to report how their employees intend to repay the money. Five of those have already done it.

From the faculties which had already been given the green light for the repayment plan the Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering must return the highest sum, i.e. the gross amount of EUR 40,000. 16 employees must repay the money. The largest sum is owed by the dean Matjaž Mikoš , i.e. the gross amount of EUR 6,000. The money will be paid as a one-off sum, while the faculty has proposed debt forgiveness for two cleaning ladies. All the involved must repay the illegally paid bonuses, and the 11 faculties controlled by the inspector must repay also other bonuses.

"The faculty must stop paying bonuses in advance, which means also that the unduly received sums must be repaid for the past period as well, if the agreements have been made for the period of 10 months. In cases where no agreements have been made, the faculty must bring charges against those public employees who would not wish to repay those sums," was the explanation given by the head inspector of the Public sector Lidija Apohal Vučković.

Fines until the irregularity is remedied
Almost EUR 20,000 must be repaid by the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics. In average the employees must repay the gross amount of approximately EUR 2,000. Most of them will repay the money in four monthly instalments. At the Faculty of Social Work the employees have received the gross amount of EUR 10,000 of illegal standby bonuses. They will repay the money in 24 monthly instalments. At the Faculty of Electrical Engineering only one employee has unduly received the standby bonus and will have to repay the gross sum of almost EUR 3,000.

The inspector has the right to punish the faculty should the irregularities persist. "The fine is EUR 500, which can be imposed repeatedly – until the measures are implemented," the inspector explained.