According to Finance Minister Mateja Vraničar Erman, the deficit is expected to stand at 305 million euros or 0.7 percent of GDP. Foto: Državni zbor/Barbara Žejavac
According to Finance Minister Mateja Vraničar Erman, the deficit is expected to stand at 305 million euros or 0.7 percent of GDP. Foto: Državni zbor/Barbara Žejavac

According to Finance Minister Mateja Vraničar Erman, budget revenue is projected to stand at 9.3 billion euros, while expenditure is estimated to rise to 9.6 billion euros. The deficit is expected to stand at 305 million euros or 0.7 percent of GDP.

The Finance and Monetary Policy Committee already reviewed the 2018 budget in October, but the government later decided to pass amendments to the 2018 budget bill. While budget revenue and expenditure estimates have not changed, the government did propose a reallocation of funds: An additional two million euros were set aside to rebuild the country’s sports infrastructure and to recover some of the costs incurred by the refugee crisis.

Vraničar Erman said that the additional two million euros were freed up after the government issued Eurobonds and bought back dollar bonds – a move that reduced debt servicing costs. "This allows us to reduce expenditure and allocate additional funds for emergency purposes," added Erman.

Al. Ma., G. K.; translated by D. V.