Firefighters have managed to contain and bring under control all the fires in the Črni Kal area. Foto: Radio Koper
Firefighters have managed to contain and bring under control all the fires in the Črni Kal area. Foto: Radio Koper

Firefighters have managed to contain the fire in the Črni Kal area. More than 150 of them spent the whole night on fire watch duty, monitoring individual new hotspots.

The head of the firefighter unit Denis Slavec told Radio Slovenija that there were 157 firefighters out on the terrain last night. New fire hotspots were sighted and they were all put out. They expect another 170 firefighters and helicopters to join them during the day.

Locals in the area blame the Slovenian Railway company for the fire, as the majority of fires break out near the train tracks. Firefighters warn that the best solution for preventing such events in the future would be the construction of the second rail track between Koper and Divača.

Infrastructure Minister Peter Gašperšič visited the site of the fire yesterday and thanked everyone involved in putting out the fires. The minister also announced talks with the leadership of the Slovenian Railway Company on measures that would lower the risk of fires.