The author has been working on the encyclopaedia for more than two decades. Muhovič went to Germany for three years (1993-1996) on a Humboldt scholarship to research the topic. Foto: M. K.
The author has been working on the encyclopaedia for more than two decades. Muhovič went to Germany for three years (1993-1996) on a Humboldt scholarship to research the topic. Foto: M. K.

According to Muhovič, the encyclopaedia is a culmination of his efforts to examine the anatomy of terms used in fine arts theory. It contains more than 800 entries from the field of fine arts theory and the related subfields of photology, colour theory, artistic morphology, artistic composition etc. The encyclopaedia provides a definition of the entries, information on the etymology of the terms as well as examples of use.

800 entries and cross-references
The author has been working on the encyclopaedia for more than two decades. Muhovič went to Germany for three years (1993-1996) on a Humboldt scholarship to research the topic. The work conditions at the universities in Magdeburg and Berlin were excellent, and he had access to many original sources. He thought he could complete the project in 2 years, but it took him 22 years to finish it. The finished product contains 800 entries with cross-references.

N. Ar.; translated by D. V.