Dragić still hasn’t fully recovered from his ankle injury. Foto: Reuters
Dragić still hasn’t fully recovered from his ankle injury. Foto: Reuters

The captain of Slovenia’s basketball team is a point guard for the Florida franchise. The team has entered a new era after Dwyane Wade’s departure to the Chicago Bulls. The Miami Heat have been struggling this season. To make matters worse, Dragić injured his ankle. However, the 30-year-old Ljubljana native is positive that his team can bounce back: "Things can turn around very quickly in the NBA".

Dragić admitted last year that he was ill-prepared for the new season because he chose not to play for the national team. However, he stressed that he is in much better form this year. Next year’s EuroBasket might be his last, but he is nonetheless looking forward to it. Dragić believes that Slovenia will do very well at EuroBasket 2017, and he is looking forward to playing with Luka Dončić, to whom he will "pass the torch" once he retires from the national team.

Your team has made big roster changes in the summer, and some big names have left the Miami Heat. On paper, the team is no longer as good as it used to be. I’m sure things aren’t easy for you right now.
Things are pretty rough at the moment. My goal has always been to make it to the playoffs as often as possible. I’ve already proved my mettle in the playoffs. But hey, that’s professional sports for you. In the NBA, things can change overnight. The teams often trade players, and they can bring in new players in the summer. The most important thing is to work hard and be persistent. I can only control what I do. The rest is not up to me.

Have you lowered your expectations for the team?
The team is young, and we’re in the process of rebuilding it. It’s a step-by-step process. We can still make it to the playoffs – that’s’ every baller’s dream. You have to be positive and believe that your efforts will pay off. My team is not yet satisfied with where it stands right now, but it’s still a long way to the playoffs.

So where does your team stand right now? The game revolves around you now that Dwyane Wade left the team. Are you comfortable with your new role?
Yes, I feel comfortable. Sure, I would love to have more big names on our team, but it is what it is. Our team is very young but it has the right attitude. The vibe in the team is great, and that’s something I really love. Everyone works very hard here. Things are a bit rough at the moment, but the more games we win, the easier our life will be. (laughs)

Pat Riley has been the Heat’s head coach for a number of years. What is his opinion of this year’s team?
His opinion? That’s difficult to say, but he is aware that we’re in the process of rebuilding our team, and that’s something that’s reflected in his statements to the media. I’ve talked to him. He expects me to be the leader and playmaker of the team. When rumours came up that the Miami Heat might trade me for another player, he denied everything. But you never know what the future may hold. My Slovenian fans might have a different impression, but this is about business. That’s beyond my control. The only thing I can control is my physical and mental condition.

Slovenia’s head coach Igor Kokoškov said that Miami is willing to build around you. Is that true?
Yeah, but I’d like to play even faster. I don’t know whether we have the right players for that, though. It is what it is.

Hassan Whiteside is one of the most dominant defense anchors in the NBA, and he has had a stellar season with the Heat. How important is that for a playmaker like yourself?
It’s very important. I have great chemistry with him, we gel pretty well. I often pass the ball to him. But that also makes things more difficult for us because it’s something the other team can train for.

You’ve recently injured your ankle. The injury looked pretty nasty but you came back rather quickly. How’s your injury coming along?
I’m about 80 percent right now, and I did come back rather quickly. I’m playing against my doctor’s advice. They told me that my ankle isn’t 100 percent yet, but I can’t just watch our games from the sidelines. I want to be out there on the court with my teammates. The injury is coming along fine, but I’d better not sprain my ankle again.

You mentioned Luka Dončić. He has confirmed that he will play for the national team. How important is that for you and the team?
It’s extremely important. He’s the future of our national team because he’s so talented. He’s already proved what a great player he is. He’s going to be in the NBA sooner or later. I’m so glad I’ll have the chance to play with him next summer so that I can pass the torch to him – because I’m not getting any younger. I’ve already cemented my legacy. I want us to do well at next year’s EuroBasket. It’s also imperative that we remain injury-free.

Tilen Jamnik reporting from Philadelphia; translated by D.V.