This year the event was moved from the Gospodarsko razstavišče exhibition ground to the Grand hotel Union, which was not the best choice, as especially in the morning hours the visitors had difficulty navigating from one stand to another.
At the time of our arrival to the Bazaar the visitors had to wait in queue to gain entrance, and according to the security guards, it was even worse in the morning. The crowd thinned during lunch hour, and only then it was possible to take a good look at the goods offered by thirty counties. Well, not everything was still there – some countries, including Georgia, had already sold everything!
The visitors were able to choose from all kinds of culinary specialties, and unique products from 30 countries of the world, including Pakistan, Hungary, Poland, Greece, the Netherlands, Romania, the United States of America, Japan, Kenia, and Uganda.
This year another novelty was introduced – a stage for a varied cultural programme.
Sila is an international humanitarian Bazaar. "The proceeds will be donated to five local charity organisations for women and children, victims of violence. "
D. S.
Translated by G. K.