Across churches followers will be reading the gospel accounts of Jesus’ suffering, called The Passion. Services at the Catholic Church will also honour the cross as a symbol of gratitude and respect. During the ceremonies respect will also be paid to the holy bread, which symbolizes Jesus’ presence,and will symbolically be placed in a grave.
During services at the Evangelical Church a black cloth is put on the altar where a crown of thorns is placed.
Pope Francis will lead a Good Friday special service at St. Peter's basilica at the Vatican. In the evening he'll say a prayer at the Way of the Cross ceremony, accompanied by followers from all over the world. The Way of the Cross will traditionally be held at the Colosseum in Rome.
Good Friday services are also held in Slovenian churches. The service at Ljubljana's cathedral at 18:30h will be led by the Novo mesto Bishop and the head of the Slovenian Catholic Bishops' Conference, Andrej Galvan.
This year Catholics and Evangelicals celebrate Easter together with Orthodox Christians, although the latter use a different religious calendar and often set a different date for Good Friday.
G. C., Al. Ma.; translated by K. J.