Zdravko Počivalšek, the Slovenian Minister of Economy suggests that the new law on the protection of Mercator establishes conditions for its normall functioning. Foto: Bobo
Zdravko Počivalšek, the Slovenian Minister of Economy suggests that the new law on the protection of Mercator establishes conditions for its normall functioning. Foto: Bobo

Many argue that the law is unconstitutional, while others hope that it will secure a good negotiating position for the government in its talks with Zagreb.
Mercator, part of the Croatian Agrokor system since 2014, could face trouble due to the rescue of this Croatian group. Thus the reason for adopting such a law on the protection of Mercator against any harmful guidelines, which might be demanded by Agrokor on the basis of existing legislation. According to Zdravko Počivalšek, the Slovenian Minister of Economy, the intervention of the government is legitimate.
Mr. Počivalšek stated: “With this law we suspend the corporate privileges in the case when a company, which is of significant importance to our society, is insolvent”.
The Minister suggests that the new law establishes conditions for the normal functioning of Mercator. He also adds that the path to solving the problems will be long. Negotiations with Croatia about the future destiny of the group will most probably need to be held. Počivalšek added, that until there was no law on this issue, the Croatians were deaf to our words.
S. R., Radio Slovenija; translated by K. J.