Danilo Türk has chaired the UN Security Council twice. Foto: BoBo
Danilo Türk has chaired the UN Security Council twice. Foto: BoBo

The coalition did not discuss the nomination at the meeting, but it follows from their statements that they do support Türk’s bid to become the next UN secretary general.

After the meeting with PM Miro Cerar, SD deputy group leader Matjaž Han said: “Any Slovenian vying for such a post has our support – regardless of his or her political affiliation.”

Han expects opposition from right-wing parties because that is par for the course in this country. “But that’s an obstacle we need to overcome. I’d find it appalling if a former president – who, after all, is an internationally respected politician – didn't get the support he needed,” Han said.

DeSUS deputy group leader Franc Jurša also supports Türk’s candidacy: “If we have a candidate who stands a chance, we should support him.”

In mid-December, the United Nations formally begun the process of electing the next secretary general. The organization called upon its members to put forward their candidates. Türk is the first candidate from Slovenia, and Alenka Bratušek’s government already endorsed him last year.

Sa. J.; translated by D. V.