Katič warned of the reduced funds for defence, which is having a negative influence on the army operation. The Slovenian army still remains internationally renowned, Katič said, and its representatives are achieving enviable results abroad. She also warned of the problems with the personnel, as quality staff is leaving the army. As far as Veberkom affair is concerned, she announced changes at the top of the military intelligence service, as she will accept the resignation of the head of the intelligence and security service Gorazd Rednak due to the mentioned affair.
Makovec Brenčič got the sufficient support as well. She spoke in favour of priority regulation of the situation within the higher education system, which would assure stability of financing, and make administration easier. She also stressed the importance of the connection of science and education with economy. She would like to establish the international openness on all the levels, movement of teachers, researchers, but without neglecting the care for the Slovenian language, innovative learning settings, and more flexible forms of education.
The confirmation of the two Ministers is expected on the extraordinary session on May 13.
MMC; translated by G. K.