Slovenia’s interior minister Vesna Györkös Žnidar labeled the proposal, under which Slovenia is to accept 631 refugees, as acceptable. Foto: Reuters
Slovenia’s interior minister Vesna Györkös Žnidar labeled the proposal, under which Slovenia is to accept 631 refugees, as acceptable. Foto: Reuters

Despite a long debate, EU’s ministers failed to reach an agreement on the resettlement of around 120.000 refugees from Italy, Greece and Hungary to other EU countries. The deal was opposed by Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. "We did not reach the deal we wished for on the transfer of around 120.000 refugees," said the EU Commissioner for Migration, Dimitris Avramopulos. He added that attempts to reach a new deal would be made on October 8th.

Slovenia’s interior minister Vesna Györkös Žnidar labeled the proposal, under which Slovenia is to accept 631 refugees, as acceptable. She warned however that numerous factors have to be taken into consideration. She said that in future programs Slovenia wishes that its integration capacities, security issues and current pressure caused by migration be taken into account.

Commenting the acceptance of 631 refugees, minister Györkös Žnidar added: "Taking into account that we have already expressed our readiness to take part in this program, we cannot state that the proposal is unacceptable for Slovenia. Such a decision would be contradictory."