The hail lasted some 20 minutes. Foto: BoBo
The hail lasted some 20 minutes. Foto: BoBo

The heaviest hail fell in the area between Hruševica and Tupelče, and 25 to 30 hectares of vineyards are completely destroyed. The same happened to fields of vegetables and strawberry fields. A part of the third village, Kobjeglava, suffered some damage as well, mostly vineyards, where also vine wood was damaged.

The hail lasted some 20 minutes. It covered the entire surface and it was so strong that it blocked drains, and water filled up basements. Hailstones were as big as hazelnuts.

The hail path of destruction is one kilometre long and 300 metres wide. This year there will be no harvest, and it is impossible to predict how long vines will need to recover.

I. C. (RA SLO), Translated by G. K.