The craft beer craze reached Slovenia several years ago. Photo: Reuters Foto:
The craft beer craze reached Slovenia several years ago. Photo: Reuters Foto:

Organizers have come up with an extensive event lineup in Ljubljana, where the British embassy will host Slovenia’s first annual Festival of British Craft Beer in the Kino Šiška cultural center. The festival will be opened at 5 p.m. by Ambassador Sophie Honey and Ljubljana Mayor Zoran Janković. A concert by the British group Idles will follow at 9 p.m.

The festival organizers wish to introduce British “real ale” and craft brewing to Slovenian beer fans, while also strengthening business ties in the field. During the three-day event, 16 selected micro- and mid-sized British breweries will present their beer. On Friday, visitors are also invited to attend a lecture about the history, the culture, and the science of beer brewing and the British beer market. The lecture will be led by Jane Payton, Britain’s Beer Sommelier of the Year 2015 and a historian of alcoholic beverages. Saturday also promises to be interesting. A blind tasting of Slovenian beers by British experts is scheduled to take place that afternoon.

Radio Terminal will provide a background of British music all afternoon, while visitors will be able to sample snacks typical of the British Isles.

Beer also on Sevnica Castle
Events on Sevnica Castle will also be in the spirit of beer this Friday. The Graščakova Hči café is organizing the 3rd Annual Castle Beer Festival. Starting at 3 p.m., the team from the Pivopis website will demonstrate the brewing process and will present various varieties of beer. Local microbreweries will also introduce their products. Visitors will be able to taste the differences between pale ale, IPO, golden ale, porter, stout, and other varieties of beer. A new Slovenian microbrewery, based in the Posavje region, will make its premiere, while the organizers will also provide food. There is no entrance fee.