Hidria’s new glow plug won the CLEPA First Award for Best Innovation in Green Technologies. Foto: Hidria
Hidria’s new glow plug won the CLEPA First Award for Best Innovation in Green Technologies. Foto: Hidria

Tolmin-based company Hidria AET has developed a new pressure-sensor glow plug. The plug is protected by more than 15 patents in Europe, China, Japan, and the US. The company has also signed a €110 million deal for its diesel engine cold-start ignition system.

The new glow plug was developed by a team of 20 in-house experts. “It’s our company’s invention. Our technicians, engineers, physicists etc. have been working on this ground-breaking project since 2010. We’ve also been collaborating with external institutions and partners. Basically, the glow plug sends a signal to the engine's computer, which in turn optimizes combustion. This lowers fuel consumption and significantly reduces the emission of pollutants,” said Peter Uršič, head of R&D electronics at Hidria.

New plug could make it into 1/3 of all diesel cars
The company’s diesel engine cold-start ignition system could reduce fuel consumption by 30 percent. “This technology allows us to track and monitor a number of combustion parameters in diesel engines. By 2018, our diesel engine cold-start ignition system could make it into 1/3 of all new diesel cars sold worldwide. The new Euro 6.2 emissions standard will take effect in 2017. Our clients will get our new cold-start ignition system before their new engines are even introduced. We’re ahead of our competition by at least three years,” said Rudi Kragelj, sales & development manager at Hidria AET Tolmin.

Deal worth €110 million
Kragelj did not want to disclose who their clients are: “Our client is a well-known European car manufacturer. I can’t tell you who it is due to contractual agreements.” The deal is worth €110 million. Hidria will start mass-manufacturing the new plug in 2017. Cars featuring the new technology will be rolled out in early 2018.

Hidria has invested €45 million in Tolmin plant
Hidria AET Tolmin became an innovation powerhouse after the company stepped up its R&D efforts. “Hidria AET Tolmin invests more than €6 million in R&D and innovation annually. We make €30 million in sales annually. Over the past 10 years, we have invested a total of €45 million in R&D here in Tolmin. Our plans for the future are even more ambitious. We plan on investing another €26 million in R&D activities by 2020. We need to hire more experts to make this possible. Hidria AET employs 350 people in Tolmin and China. We plan on hiring another 50 employees,” said Hidria AET CEO Iztok Seljak.