Ice-cream use is gaining ground among intravenous drug users Foto: EPA
Ice-cream use is gaining ground among intravenous drug users Foto: EPA

3-mmc, known as 'ice-cream', remains the most widespread new synthetic drug in Slovenia. Its use is gaining grounds among the intravenous drug users. Within the frame of the international project, Slovenia gained six points where the users can request anonymous testing of samples, while in spite of promises Slovenia still remains without a safe room for intravenous drug users.
According to the results of the poll among the students of the Ljubljana University on the situation regarding illicit drugs in Slovenia for 2015, published in the yearly report of the National Institute of Public Health, synthetic cathinones are among the best recognizable and most frequently used drugs.
One third of the respondents have already heard of 3-mmc and 4-mmc, but the number of those who have already tried it is much smaller - 6.6% had already had 3-mmc, and 3.9% of the respondents had already had 4-mmc. 4.1% of the respondents had already tried methylone, and 2.1% had tried 4-MEC as well. Less than 2% of the respondents have tried the other synthetic cathinones.
The problem is dilution of 'traditional' drugs with new ones
The Association DrogArt has noted that 3-mmc or ice-cream is the most popular of the synthetic cathinones. Simona Šabić from her field experiences claims 3-mmc is remaining the most present drug. "Occasionally the rumours spread about the shortage of 3-mmc on the market, for this reason or that, but the experiences prove the opposite." The ice-cream quality remains more or less the same, but it happens that 3-mmc is sold in place of amphetamine or even cocain.