Business owners adapt business premises into apartments for themselves or for rent, even to tourists. Foto: Televizija Slovenija
Business owners adapt business premises into apartments for themselves or for rent, even to tourists. Foto: Televizija Slovenija

Conversions into "business apartments" are most common in the tourist municipalities. Standing out in the Municipality of Piran is Lucija, where one can find a number of business premises in buildings in the centre of the town adapted into apartments without any permits or consents. Such apartments are clearly much more profitable than empty business premises.

Owners ignore the strict and unambiguous regulations when converting their business premises into apartments. Vesna Vičič, the head of the office for environment and spatial planning in Piran, explains that the municipality does allow such changes in use, but that when doing such work "the residential and business conditions and the ratio between the business and residential area must not be in decline. In any case a building permit is required, with which one can obtain the change of use. In line with the spatial planning document, the municipality must also confirm the procedure and establish whether such a change in use of a real estate is justified. In general, I would say that the municipality would probably not give its consent for all the business premises in the apartment buildings to be turned into apartments, especially when done so illegally." Vičič added that the municipality has not yet received any applications for changes in housing use.

The Piran administrative unit also confirmed that it hasn’t received any applications for building or any other permits.