Common snowdrop or Galanthus nivalis L. was described by the Swedish botanist Carl Linné in 1753 in his work Species Plantarum. It is distinguished by its pendulous flower, because of which it soon found its place in parks and gardens.
It is used for treatment of Alzheimers Disease
The common snowdrop contains an active substance galantamine, which is not a cure, but it can slow the progress of Alzheimers Disesase. The substances contained in the bulb have been subjected to study as a potential ingredient for HIV treatment drugs.
It grows almost everywhere in Europe, in Canada and in the USA
Common snowdrops grow all over Europe, from the Pyrenees to Ukraine, Germany and Poland, Italy, Albania and Greece. They can be found in the eastern part of Canada and in the USA. In the fifties of the previous century snowdrops started blooming only in February, but during decades their time for blooming has shifted, and in the last years we can admire the first blooms already in January. In Slovenia only one species of snowdrops can be found, i.e. the common snowdrop. Their favourite spots are creek and river banks.
Next time you take a walk dedicate some time to snowdrops! You will notice that from far they all do look the same, but once you stop and pay attention, you will notice their diversity.
B. L.
Translated by G. K.