The management and drinking water supply should not become the subject of privatization, explained Brane Golubovič, who was the first to sign the yesterday filed initiative for the protection of drinking water supply to the Constitution. The initiative was filed by a group of coalition deputies. The idea is also supported by departmental Minister Dejan Zidan.
The proposal to amend the 70th Article of the Constitution, wishes to determine the universal right to water as explained by Brane Golubovič, PS. He says the protection of the law is not enough, because in Slovenia, it is possible to amend a law, no matter how good it is, by a simple majority.
There are 661 public systems with drinking water in Slovenia. 32 of which are already in the public-private partnership, so in one of the forms of privatization. Minister Dejan Zidan said that currently, 16 projects with a total value of 380 million euros are being built with mainly European fund. The European experience with privatization of the management of water supply systems has proved unsuccessful.
After the European Citizen Action prevented the intention of the management, to, to subject the management of drinking water to the European directive on public-private partnership, the European Commission a few days ago committed itself to respecting the right, that the management of water supply be regulated at the national, regional or local level.