Hunters believe that the intensified cull would cause the ruin of deer population, which would need years to recover. Foto: EPA
Hunters believe that the intensified cull would cause the ruin of deer population, which would need years to recover. Foto: EPA

In opinion of forestry experts, too large number of deer is damaging to young trees in forest. In order to limit their number, the Slovenia Forest Service proposes the increase of deer cull by 16% compared to last year, and even by a quarter more in the Bela Krajina and Kočevje hunting governing areas.

Hunters: it will cause the ruin of population
Hunters believe that the intensified cull would cause the ruin of deer population, which would need years to recover. They believe the intensified deer cull will continue in future years as well, which would cause irreparable damage to deer population.

They warn that deer is an important source of food for predators. Therefore, large beasts will feel the consequences of the cull, and due to lack of food will be forced to turn to other sources of food.

J. D., Radio Slovenija, Al. Ma., MMC; translated by G. K.