The owners of the prestigious hotel in the centre of Ljubljana say they will employ around 120 people before the opening, mostly from Slovenia. Foto: BoBo
The owners of the prestigious hotel in the centre of Ljubljana say they will employ around 120 people before the opening, mostly from Slovenia. Foto: BoBo

Around 300 workers are at the hotel every day, working in two shifts, finishing the rooms, hallways, hotel restaurant and other hotel features in what will be Ljubljana’s first five-star hotel. Apart from the 165 rooms, it will also have two banquet halls and a swimming pool.

The price for staying at the hotel will vary - from October they will range between 150 and 350 euros per night. The owners of the hotel say they will employ around 120 people before the opening, mostly from Slovenia.

Another hotel right next to it?
In short time it could very well happen that Zlatarna Celje starts building its own hotel in the immediate vicinity of the Intercontinental Hotel. The owners of Zlatarna Celje say preparation work is under way. However, the decision of whether to build a hotel or something else will be made afterwards, once the archeologists, which are at the site, complete their work.
If Zlatarna Celje does decide to build a hotel, it would first need to request for a change in the building permit plan. The previous investor at that location first intended to build a commercial tower.
G. C., Matija Mastnak, TV Slovenija; translated by K. J.

Prvi gosti v novi Intercontinental 15. avgusta
Prvi gosti v novi Intercontinental 15. avgusta