Local residents in the Puconci municipality, which was worst hit by the landslides, have already collected some money for a new home for the Bačič brothers. In April a landslide destroyed their whole house.
Huge cracks on the walls and on the ground totally devastated the house of Darko and Branko. They had to leave their home immediately and move into a residence provided by the Puconci municipality. Half a year after the devastating landslide a new home has been found for them. The house stands at 40 thousand euros.
Most of the money for buying the house has already been secured by the residents of 12 neighboring villages. The president of the local community in Šalamenci, Danilo Janasik, says the two brothers still lack around 8 thousand euros to pay off the house. For that reason a charity concert called A song for a bright moment will be organized on the last Thursday of November in the new sports hall in Puconci.
The brothers can only move into the house once it has been paid off in full. They hope to do that by the end of the year. However they're already taking care of their new home. They have already put a central heating system in place and prepared enough wood for the winter months. The cellar is also already filled with stores for the winter.
Half a year after experiencing their biggest crisis, their smiles have now returned. ''You're in a totally different mood now, and you just can't wait to move in. Everything is different,'' says Darko Bačič. Branko adds that he was surprised by the generosity of his local neighbors.
In the Puconci municipality they recorded a total of 92 landslides. Damages are estimated at over 1 million euros. As the government has no money to help those most affected, the municipality will have to pay for the clean-up and rebuilding efforts itself. The mayor of Puconci, Ludvik Novak, says they plan to deal with one of the biggest landslides – above the Vadarje graveyards – before the first snow.