Robert Slodej, the criminologist from The National Bureau of Investigation (NPU) in TV Slovenija News on Thursday said that the investigation of corruption in healthcare included the period from 2008 until the present, and that they would establish both the accountability of the responsible individuals, and their lack of action regarding corruption. The Fides Union representative Konrad Kuštrin said in Odmevi show that the Union has been drawing attention to corruption, but there has
been no political willingness to clear up the situation.
Since 2008 Slovenia has had four ministers of health – the current member of European parliament Zofija Mazej Kukovič, the former director of the health insurance fund Borut Miklavčič, the mathematician and physician, specialist in internal medicine, cardiologist Dorijan Marušič, and recently resigned Tomaž Gantar.
Gantar: I met with the investigators
Gantar says that his resignation had nothing to do with the investigation, which he did anticipate, however. "I fought against corruption in healthcare, and cooperated with Mr Slodej." He warns that those most problematic regarding corruption in healthcare have not been touched by the investigation, and will have to be reached gradually.
"We should distinguish between the systemic corruption at public procurements, where large sums are involved, and the agreements with the physicians where it is very difficult to get to the bottom of the matter. I believe that at this point the police have special methods for investigating such corruptive actions. Speaking of systemic corruption, the only solution I see is to demand that the laws on public procurements are obeyed consistently," continues Gantar.
Marušič: Data I had were not so transparent
Dorijan Marušič, Minister of Health from April 2010 until February 2012, says that he was appointed Minister of Health in the middle of the term of the Borut Pahor government, and thus inherited the already set infrastructural projects.
"I acted in all the cases with the tangible contents, but unfortunately the references were quite often rather general. I met with the members of CPC a couple of times, both officially and unofficially. At one occasion I gave them the complete documentation for the Oncology Institute," Marušič informed us.
"Although it is not so long ago since I my term ended, at that time I didn't have at my disposal clear data of dishonest practices as are available today," continued Marušič.
"Contractors know more than those placing orders"
Corruption in healthcare is able to grow, says Zofija Mazej Kukovič, because usually the suppliers and contractors are more knowledgeable than the representatives of those who place the orders. In order to improve the transparency, during her term as the Minister of Health special education was organized for the members of the institute councils which were directly responsible for supervision of operation, and directors of institutes were given additional education in order to improve their ability to supervise costs, and introduction of information technologies.
"By using legal means we managed to annul comprehensive tenders with unequal opportunities for tenderers," she explained her activities to MMC.