At first Ilka just wept tears of joy with the members of her team. All the sacrifices were repaid, all knee surgeries forgotten. Foto: Reuters
At first Ilka just wept tears of joy with the members of her team. All the sacrifices were repaid, all knee surgeries forgotten. Foto: Reuters

The importance of a competition often clips the wings of favourites, and at this year's world championship Ilka Štuhec twice learned how thin the line is between success and disappointment. That's why it was so important to clear her mind of all the negative thoughts which might influence her skiing before the downhill race, for which her three victories in the world cup, and the fastest training times made her the favourite. "I was slightly more than I before the regular world cup races. But in those last moments before the start I was the real me, ready to hurl myself down."
Extremely fast skis
And she did it, in her manner - determinedly. As soon as she started on the selective Engiadina downhill track, she felt that her skis were victorious: "My skis were unbelievably fast, I noticed it immediately." Not even the mistake she made in the left curve, thus exiting the ideal line, threw her off the track: "Most of all I wanted to keep the speed, but I also thought about the next parts of the track, and what else had to be done. It was not an ideal ride, but obviously it was fast enough. At crossing the finish line, I felt relieved when I took the lead - I was satisfied with the picture on the scoreboard, and hoped it would be enough," 26-year old skier from Maribor explained.
All sacrifices are repaid
The relief was extraordinary. At first Ilka just wept tears of joy with the members of her team. All the sacrifices were repaid, all knee surgeries forgotten. After winning the title of junior world champion in slalom and downhill, it was a long wait until she established herself among the elite. Ilka Štuhec won the 21th medal for Slovenia at Alpine Ski World Championships, the 12th after the independence of Slovenia. The best at the World Championships naturally remains Tina Maze with nine medals, four of those gold, and Mateja Svet won the first gold medal for Slovenia in slalom in 1989.
"Now I am aware of my achievement "
Ilka Štuhec had to wait for her medal until the evening medal ceremony at the central square of St. Moritz, where the choir sang the Slovenian national anthem Zdravljica. "Slowly all the feelings are catching up with me. Memories of all the bad days have returned, but I am proud for persisting and for winning the gold medal," she described her feelings for TV Slovenija, and then she gave interview to the Austrian ORF television, and said in fluent German: "It was an amazing feeling. I am now aware of my accomplishment." She mentioned again her mother's support and help during all the problems and injuries, when even Ilka had doubts about continuing her career.