Jernej Damjan was very happy after his won in Ruka. Foto: BoBo
Jernej Damjan was very happy after his won in Ruka. Foto: BoBo

The press-conference was called after the first Ski Jumping World Cup events of the season, in which Slovenia's ski jumpers failed to shine – with the exception of Damjan, who surprised everyone on Sunday by winning the individual event in Ruka.

With 34 years and 182 days, Jernej Damjan has become the fourth oldest World Cup winner. Ahead of him on the list are Noriaki Kasai (42 years and 176 days), Takanobu Okabe (38 years and 135 days) and Robi Kranjec (34 years and 246 days).

Damjan wrote to his wife to send a video of his daughter
What did Damjan think about before his final jump? "I was thinking a lot, but I would rather think less. I was number 9 in the starting order, so I had a lot of time," said Damjan and added: "I was pretty nervous. I sent a message to my wife to send me a video of my daughter. That calmed me down." In Ruka, Damjan bagged Slovenia's 45th overall victory in ski jumping under coach Goran Janus. At the press-conference the team received a cake from Pivovarna Laško for the accomplishment. "I'm extremely happy for Jernej's success. With Jernej, I was only interested in whether he would time it right – everything else was alright" said coach Janus and admitted that his decision to allow Damjan to compete in Ruka was not difficult. "We know what kind of experience he has, and we know why the decision was such. Jernej took advantage of the opportunity. That's what this Slovenian team needs," he added.

Jasnič: We have to respond to every negativity
Ljubo Jasnič, the chairman of the board for ski jumping at the Ski Association of Slovenia (SZS) first congratulated Jernej Damjan for his victory in Ruka, but then also touched on the performance of Slovenia's other ski jumpers. "I have to say that I'm pleased. The SZS leadership did everything it had to for our boys to practice in peace, without any disturbances," said Jasnič and added: "My statement, that we have to talk, received many insulting comments. But we talk, and we will talk. It has to be understood that the managers of this team and all our youth teams have a responsibility. A responsibility towards the Slovenian public, which follows us, and our sponsors, which make it possible for us to work in good conditions. We have to respond to every negativity, to every triviality. That's why we're here. In the future, I hope that we will have more success, similar to Jernej's, also from our other boys and girls."