In the imaginary world, when compared to real life, we have the opportunity to capture some of the fates and circumstances by creating a narrative with exciting heroes and a a compelling story arch. The protagonists of her new novel are the inhabitants of Ljubljana from different generations and provenences, and their fates are intertwined around the mysterious book they are exchanging with one another. The idea of MacGuffin, an object that is crucial for the characters' lives although it has no real substance, is borrowed from the treasury of popular culture – popularized by Alfred Hitchcock in the film 39 steps.
Popular culture is also surfacing through the dialogues and between the lines of her novel Knjiga drugih (The Book of Others), the second part of a trilogy that Krečič set up in 2015, when her romance debut was published by Beletrina. This first part of the trilogy was translated into English the following year year, and also to Macedonian in 2017.
Interested in post-cultural phenomena
Krečič does not only use novels to discuss current phenomena in popular culture, especially film and TV series, as well as other phenomena in contemporary art. For ten years now, she has been working as a journalist, commentator and columnist in the cultural editorial office of the Delo newspaper, where these topics are at the heart of her writings.
In addition, together with Ivana Novak, a selector in the Department of Foreign Broadcasting at Radiotelevizija Slovenija (RTV), Krečič edited two cinematic collections, one dedicated to Ernst Lubitsch's films, and the other to contemporary TV-series and seriality. In the last year, she also edited a collection of political thoughts The Final Countdown.
She graduated from Cultural Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences from and received her PhD in Philosophy from the Faculty of Arts for her work Philosophy, Phantasm, and Film under the mentorship of philosopher Mladen Dolar. Today she is on the other side of the lecture room, since she teaches ‘Modern Literature and Social Ideologies’ and ‘Psychoanalysis and Culture’ at the Department of Cultural Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences as well as ‘Popular Culture’ at the Department of Sociology of the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana.