Joško Joras plans to run for election in the region of Koroška. Foto: BoBo Foto:
Joško Joras plans to run for election in the region of Koroška. Foto: BoBo Foto:

Joško Joras was already a municipal councillor in Piran between 1998 and 2002, in 2002 he ran for the president of the state, and in 2004 he became a member of the SLS party. He left this party last year. He will now run for the Zedinjena Slovenia (United Slovenia) party at the parliamentary elections in autumn, but not in his local district of Piran. Most probably, he will apply to run for election in Dravograd: "I am greatly inspired by the citizens or Slovenians from Libeliče. When I read their history and got to know their problems, I simply said – here more people have a sense of nationality and national affiliation."

Joras says that since the arbitration ruling on 29 June last year, or since 29 December when the tribunal’s ruling came into force, nothing has changed for him, including his permanent residence: "When they delete the house number Sečovlje 1 on the parcel number 4651, at that moment I will become one of the erased people in that area."

Permanent residence does not affect the election nomination. Slovenians who remained in Croatia due to the arbitration judgment will soon receive the first part of compensation if they have decided to move to Slovenia. They have time to make a final decision by December this year. Joras certainly will not be among them.