"Slovenia would regret an intervention," said the foreign minister, and emphasized that the Slovenia’s position on Syria crisis solution remains unaltered, i.e. in favour of a political solution, "but obviously there is no political solution".
He affirmed that no request was addressed to Slovenia for airspace transit, and nor a "request concerning the coalition of the willing".
Vajgl: Syria must not turn into another Iraq
Ivo Vajgl, the member of the European parliament, stated for MMC that the EU is waiting for reports by United Nations Security Council, and a report by the UN inspectors in Syria who should tomorrow complete their work.
"It is imperative to wait for the investigation results, and to avoid the recurrence of the dreadful mistake made in the case of Iraq, when the experts had claimed the absence of weapons which had been the reason for starting the war, and later it was proved that the weapons in fact had not existed, but the war had happened all the same. We should avoid another war like that," said the member of the European parliament, who on Wednesday attended the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the European Parliament (AFET) in Brussels.
He also said "… at least that. We should hardly expect more, as some members of EU prefer more radical means, and participate in the military activities – like France and Great Britain".
"Syria could become a shelter for extremists"
When asked about the reasons for major consent within the European Union in favour of lifting of arms embargo on Syrian rebels, Vajgl replied that the situation was somewhat different. ”In the end the ban was lifted, in the manner in which the so-called common European defence and foreign policy is created. The minimum consensus was achieved that those who wish to participate in arming the rebels are permitted to do so, while EU as a unit abstains".
In his opinion any intervention in Syria would result in »a refuge and a shelter for the worst extremists of the Middle East«.