The Slovenian Mountain Trail starts in Maribor. Before they reach Ankaran, hikers have to collect 80 stamps from the summits and mountain lodges. Photo: Personal archive of Katja Kegl Vencelj Foto:
The Slovenian Mountain Trail starts in Maribor. Before they reach Ankaran, hikers have to collect 80 stamps from the summits and mountain lodges. Photo: Personal archive of Katja Kegl Vencelj Foto:

The absolute female record holder of the Slovenian Mountain Trail had wanted to accomplish the feat for a long time. She even tried once a couple of years ago, but was unsuccessful and had to end the trail at Triglav. This time she was wiser and paid more attention to what she was eating. Her wish was so great that she knew even before the start that she could conquer the 80 Slovenian summits in record time.

"First and foremost, the Slovenian Mountain Trail is a hike in the mountains and one should seriously consider the safety issues, so that nothing bad happens. I had a wish to set the record because I knew that it was possible. The previous record was 13 and a half days, and I knew that I was capable of walking or running the trail in faster time. Not in the sense that I only thought about the record, but I was simply convinced that I could complete the trail in less than ten days if, of course, everything went well," said Katja talking to MMC.

The previous record holder, Anja Klančnik, completed the trail just two weeks before Katja in 11 days, 23 hours and 49 minutes, improving Ruth Podgornik Reš's record from 2010, which was 13 and a half days. The male record holder is Marjan Zupančič, who needed just seven days, eight hours and ten minutes to complete the entire trail in 2015.

The Slovenian Mountain Trail starts in Maribor and goes over Pohorje, across the Kamnik-Savinja Alps, the Karawanks, the Julian Alps and the pre-Alpine highlands. It then goes down to the Karst region and ends at Debeli Rtič on the shores of the Adriatic Sea.

Runners and hikers have to collect 80 stamps along the trail from the summits and mountain lodges. Most mountaineers need several years to complete the feat.