Depots are as important for a museum as a kitchen is for a restaurant, explains the director of the Regional Museum of Koper, Luka Juri, illustrating the key importance of suitable premises for the preservation of objects that represent cultural heritage. Foto: BoBo
Depots are as important for a museum as a kitchen is for a restaurant, explains the director of the Regional Museum of Koper, Luka Juri, illustrating the key importance of suitable premises for the preservation of objects that represent cultural heritage. Foto: BoBo

Depots are as important for a museum as a kitchen is for a restaurant, explains the director of the Regional Museum of Koper, Luka Juri, illustrating the key importance of suitable premises for the preservation of objects that represent cultural heritage.

Currently, the museum stores objects in six small depots, which do not fully meet the criteria for proper storage. Soon, part of the valuable witnesses to the past will find their place in the new depot. 400 square metres will provide enough room for now, says Juri: "Given the current urgent needs, this space suffices. At the moment, it's also being refurbished, the municipality has even found resources for this, so we will actually get a space that will fit and that will meet current needs. We're also keeping the existing depots, of course. Some of them are not the most ideal. In this way, this space will then be sufficient. "

But probably only for a few years. The museum expects many new archaeological finds at the beginning of the construction of the second railroad track. They are looking forward to new discoveries, says Juri, but at the same time they wonder where they could be saved. "In principle, the state should take care of them. The Ministry of Culture is aware of this, but resources need to be provided. This is then a matter of the government, the budget, the Ministry of Finance, and about awareness that it is not enough to talk cultural heritage. We must also do something with it."

First and foremost, believes Juri, Slovenia should find a comprehensive solution to the preservation of archaeological heritage and should put it in place as soon as possible. The problems of the museum are now being settled by the Koper municipality with the restoration of the premises for the future depot. The Regional Museum will be able to use it already this spring.