More than 20.000 people visit the WWII hospital every year. Foto: BoBo
More than 20.000 people visit the WWII hospital every year. Foto: BoBo

Locals still remember the September 2007 landslide that destroyed seven log cabins and the WWII hospital, which was later rebuilt.
The soil on the slope above the hospital continues to slide down. Since the restoration of the buildings a few years ago, the soggy soil has already slid downhill by 1.5 metres, damaging the local drainage system.
"The water did cause the hillside to slide, and that can obviously have a negative impact on the watercourses," Cerkno mayor Jurij Kavčič said, adding: "We’re facing another threat. Another landslide could occur, and the Franja hospital could again suffer major damage."
Tourist season scheduled to begin in April
The site can receive more than 20 thousand visitors per year. The local museum is gearing up for the tourist season, which is scheduled to begin in April. The last thing they want is another flood. "The 2007 landslide was a genuine disaster. I hope the threat level remains low," Cerkno museum head Milojka Magajne said.
The Municipality of Cerkno has announced plans to fix the drainage system - as soon as the weather permits. The municipality has earmarked 35 thousand euros for the project.