Political parties have until today to convince voters to go to the polls on Sunday and vote. An election silence before the parliamentary elections kicks in at midnight. Foto: BoBo
Political parties have until today to convince voters to go to the polls on Sunday and vote. An election silence before the parliamentary elections kicks in at midnight. Foto: BoBo

Various opinion polls put the opposition SDS as the favorites to win the vote. The List of Marjan Šarec is trying to hold on to second position, as it's closely followed by the SD Social Democrats. The SMC Party, New Slovenia, The Left, and the Pensioners' Party DeSUS, can also look forward to winning deputy seats in the National Assembly.

However, surprises are possible due to the large percentage of undecided voters. If they decide to go the polls, there could be a twist in the end results, is convinced Tomaž Deželan, who is well familiar with the political happenings in Slovenia. According to him, the reason for the large number of undecided voters is the unstable political landscape.