The practice, which our MMC readers are already familiar with, goes something like this: Employees do work for a company where they are employed. At one moment they start being paid late or not at all. When the worker complains, the employer fires the worker. Foto: BoBo
The practice, which our MMC readers are already familiar with, goes something like this: Employees do work for a company where they are employed. At one moment they start being paid late or not at all. When the worker complains, the employer fires the worker. Foto: BoBo

The practice, which our MMC readers are already familiar with, goes something like this: Employees do work for a company where they are employed. At one moment they start being paid late or not at all. When the worker complains, the employer fires the worker. In the meantime the employer also disenrolls the worker from the social insurance system by faking signatures on a consensual employment termination agreement. Because it is possible to do so, the disenrollment from the social insurance system is done for several months back. The worker, thus, has problems fulfilling all his rights, as the whole burden of providing evidence for the unjustified disenrollment falls on the worker.

The Labour Inspectorate and the Counselling Office for Workers have been warned of such practices many times. The practice is encouraged by the indifference of the relevant institutions. According to the Act Governing the Register of Insured Persons and Beneficiaries of Rights Provided under Pension and Disability Insurance (ZMEPIZ-1) in charge of keeping the records is the Pension and Disability Insurance Institute of Slovenia (ZPIZ), which has authorized the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia (ZZZS) to take care of the disenrollment of insurers from the system. Additionally complicating matters is the fact that in charge of supervising the enrollment of insurers is the labour inspectorate, while supervising the disenrollment of insurers is the ZZZS. We have already written in detail about the dispersed jurisdictions in the past.

Avoiding responsibility and pointing fingers
We have already written in the past about all the aspect of how the records of insurers are stored. The position of the relevant Ministry of Labour at that time was that there were no reasons to change the way things were regulated - a response also echoed by the ZPIZ and ZZZS.

Luka Lukič