Locals claim that fish and crabs were once abundant in the Ničnica and Breznica streams. There are all gone now. Foto: Radio Slovenija/Matic Rotar
Locals claim that fish and crabs were once abundant in the Ničnica and Breznica streams. There are all gone now. Foto: Radio Slovenija/Matic Rotar

The Unično landfill, located in Hrastnik on the border with Laško Municipality, stores and processes waste from five Zasavje municipalities along with waste from Nova Gorica and Goričko.

The locals point out that life in Brezno and Belovo has become unbearable due to the ever increasing quantity of waste being taken to the dump site. "The stench is awful, we can't even open the windows," says Fani Ramšak. Brane Seme adds: "There are vermin, rats, ravens, there is dust everywhere, we get only the worst."

No life in streams any more
Locals claim that fish and crabs were once abundant in the Ničnica and Breznica streams. There are all gone now. Heavily polluted wastewater is coming from the landfill, explains a local. "With an increase over the years in the quantity of waste at the landfill, this discharged water can be observed almost every day."

The inspection service is not taking measures
Jožica Miša Alešovec, president of the Sedraž community, says that they notified the police, the inspection service, the mayor of Laško along with the mayors of all five Zasavje municipalities, but nothing has changed. "The inspection service sent us two letters, explaining that we are not a party to the procedure. But they did say that we will be informed when the alleged violation is to be studied."

The locals of the Sedraž community are not a party to the procedure because they live in Laško Municipality, which does not take its waste to the Unično landfill. Vili Petrič, director of the Zasavje waste treatment centre, which manages the landfill, admits that wastewater escaped on Monday as the result of a breakdown, but stressed that exaggerated worry is unnecessary. "The wastewater was diluted, which means that there is no immediate danger to the environment. It is true, however, that the water is discoloured." Petrič adds that they will try to eliminate the problems experienced by the locals with the help of a multi-agency group.

We are still analysing, we are unable to take steps
The Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning stated that the alleged violation of wastewater treatment standards at the landfill is being analysed. There is no legal basis for taking measures against odours. "In Slovenia, there are no specific means to regulate exclusively problems of odour. Fact-finding proceedings are still underway regarding other emissions from the landfill." But locals are running out of patience, they are thinking of filing lawsuits.