Until yesterday, the two mayoral candidates had the same number of votes. However, last night the local electoral commission ruled in favour of an appeal filed by candidate Marjan Hribar, thus awarding him one more vote. Foto: BoBo
Until yesterday, the two mayoral candidates had the same number of votes. However, last night the local electoral commission ruled in favour of an appeal filed by candidate Marjan Hribar, thus awarding him one more vote. Foto: BoBo

Previously, both candidates officially appealed the results of Sunday’s vote. Irregularities, reported at the Bela Cerkev polling station, might have significantly affected the outcome. In Bela Cerkev, candidate Bernardka Krnc received 184 more votes than her opponent, Hribar.

The revote in Bela Cerkev will be held on the 16th of December.