In late June, the Slovenian government presented a document titled "For Decent Work" to members of a special work group known as the Economic-social Council (ESS). And its subtitle? Proposed measures regarding labour law legislation. One of the measures proposed by the Labour Ministry is a new reason for the termination of employment: a loss of trust between the employee and the employer. The circumstances for “loss of trust” must be so severe and permanent that a continuation of employment is no longer possible, reads the proposal.

Trade union rep: Even discussing this is amoral
"This issue does not need to be commented, since discussing such things is amoral," argues Ladislav Rožič from the Association of Free Trade Unions of Slovenia (ZSSS). "Nothing is defined, and therefore it cannot be in [a law]. Someone could simply say: you refused to work overtime six months ago and you no longer seem to be loyal to the company, this has ruined mutual trust."

Small business rep: Some people simply don’t fit into the team
However, some employers have welcomed the proposal: "CEOs of bigger companies, in particular, point out that they have employees who are good enough in their field of expertise but simply don’t fit into the team, doing more harm because of this. By assuming from the beginning that this would be exploited is not a good sign. What’s good is that an employee who does not fit into a team can leave with dignity, without any victimisation or accusations, receiving appropriate severance pay and being eligible for all measures within the policies for active employment strategies," claims Igor Antauer from the Association of Employers in Craft and Small Business.

Rožic announces strikes, protests
Trade unions are convinced that this measure would be exploited by many employers, which is why they’ve already announced revolt: strikes and demonstrations. "If this kind of proposal goes ahead, what went on in France on Saturday [t/n: strikes] pales in comparison," predicts Rožič.

The Labour Ministry refused to provide a comment, stating that the document included proposals for which it is not yet clear whether they would become part of final negotiations on changes in labour law.

Al. Ma. (MMC), R. V. P. (TV Slovenija); translated by K. Z.