You will now be able to take a train from Ljubljana to Zagreb for half the price. Foto: BoBo
You will now be able to take a train from Ljubljana to Zagreb for half the price. Foto: BoBo

The new timetable comes into effect today. It brings new things both in international and domestic rail traffic.

Among the novelties are some low-budget offers - a one-way ticket from Ljubljana to Zagreb will now cost nine euros. A one-way ticket from Ljubljana to Rijeka will also cost you nine euros.

As to border-zone traffic with Croatia, through Rogatec, the railway company has taken into account the wishes and needs of the local population on both sides of the border. As a result there will be three trains per day going from Celje through Rogaška Slatina and Rogatec to Džurmanec and onwards to Zabok and Zagreb. The line will increase the number of choices for daily commuters and also for those visiting Rogaška Slatina and nearby tourist areas.

From Koper to Budapest
The Slovenian Railway Company informs that one of the novelties in international rail transport is that, according to the new timetable, the Citadella train will depart from Ljubljana at 08:45, around two hours earlier than until now, and arrive in the Hungarian capital at 17.29. In addition, the train will no longer start its return from Budapest in the middle of the day, but start off at 08:30 and arrive back in Ljubljana at 16.43.

Worth mentioning is that the Citadella train will also have a connection with trains going to and coming from Koper. In the summer there will also be additional passenger wagons attached to the train, making it possible to travel directly between Budapest, Ljubljana and Koper. In the summer season a night train will also connect the above-mentioned cities twice a week.