The main hurdle before construction is set to begin in the early summer, as soon as planning permission is obtained, comes from property owners. Foto: EPA
The main hurdle before construction is set to begin in the early summer, as soon as planning permission is obtained, comes from property owners. Foto: EPA

The main hurdle before construction is set to begin in the early summer, as soon as planning permission is obtained, comes from property owners. Most have already signed contracts, but not all the owners of the land needed for this project have given their approval for the sale.

About a third of the owners – 13 – still need to give their permission. They have sent their requests and demands to the Economy Ministry.

The possibility of complications therefore remains, since the owners, who could be subject to eminent domain expropriations, could seek a constitutional judgment. This would delay and potentially endanger Magna's investment. Even so, the company has started to look for workers in Slovenia. Currently, it is using the website to recruit candidates for the positions of system engineer, controller, and maintenance manager.

A. H. (RA SLO)
Translated by J. B.