Marjetka Volk took 14th place at last year’s Eurovision, performing a song called Here For You together with her husband as members of the Maraaya duet. Foto: MMC RTV SLO/Jani Ugrin
Marjetka Volk took 14th place at last year’s Eurovision, performing a song called Here For You together with her husband as members of the Maraaya duet. Foto: MMC RTV SLO/Jani Ugrin

Since 2009 the winner of the Eurovision song contest (ESC) is not merely decided by votes of millions of viewers from all over Europe, but also by national teams of five music professionals from each participating country, explains the European Broadcaster Union (EBU).

This year’s members of the Slovenian expert jury for ESC are: last year’s Slovenian representative at the Eurovision Marjetka Vovk from the Maraaya duet (14th place) as well as singers Eva Hren, Klemen Mramor (alias Clemens), Tadej Košir from the Muff band, and songwriter Urša Vlašič. The latter is the author of several lyrics of Eurovision songs – Naj bogovi slišijo in 1998 (performed by Vili Resnik), Ne, ni res in 2001 (Nuša Derenda),Stop in 2005 (Omar Naber), Mr Nobody in 2006 (Anžej Dežan), and No One in 2011 (Maja Keuc).

Votes of the national expert jury will count 50 per cent towards the final decision on how to distribute points to participating countries in the second-finals and the final competition. The expert jury watches the performances before they are broadcast live, i.e. the rehearsal, and forms an opinion based on these performances.

D. S.; translated by K. Z.