Last evening and during the night three more trains transporting more than 3.000 refugees arrived at Dobova. The total number of refugees that have arrived in Slovenia since the 27th of October is more than 100.000. Foto: BoBo
Last evening and during the night three more trains transporting more than 3.000 refugees arrived at Dobova. The total number of refugees that have arrived in Slovenia since the 27th of October is more than 100.000. Foto: BoBo

The 1.134 refugees that arrived in Dobova a little after 3 a.m. were immediately boarded on a train to Šentilj. Another train arrived at 6 a.m., with a little less than 1.070 refugees. A train carrying a little more than 1.000 refugees also arrived at Dobova last night, at around 10:30 p.m. Due to limited logistics and accommodation capacities police officers accompanied the refugees to a nearby reception center, where they were offered medical care and humanitarian aid.

The Novo mesto police directorate says it was previously informed by Croatian authorities about the arrival of the trains and the number of refugees. At 3 a.m. there were more than 1.200 refugees at the Brežice reception centre, while more than 3.000 refugees were situated at the two centres in Dobova.

There are currently 4.278 refugees at the accommodation centre in Šentilj: 3.134 of them arrived from Dobova on three trains between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. A fourth train with 1.144 people arrived at 12:33 a.m., informs the Maribor police directorate. The reception centers in Središče ob Dravi and Gruškovje are empty.