By the end of August the Financial Administration has received 550 applications for a one-time debt write off, as a part of the government project to help the socially most threatened population. Foto: BoBo
By the end of August the Financial Administration has received 550 applications for a one-time debt write off, as a part of the government project to help the socially most threatened population. Foto: BoBo

A number of power and energy distributors have decided in favour of debt write off, as well as municipal utility companies, banks, insurance companies, and municipalities. The list of all participants in the write-off is published at the Ministry of Labour website. Presently the list includes 10 city municipalities, 58 municipalities, 29 companies and 30 municipality utility companies.

The Health Insurance Company announced that by the end of August they have received 180 applications for debt write-off, 50 applications were sent to Elektro Ljubljana, and 89 to Javni holding Ljubljana public holding. 28 applications were sent to public housing stock Javni stanovanjski sklad MOL.

No personal income tax will be paid for debt write-off, and no additional obligations will arise for the creditors from it.