The Museum of Illusions was opened four months ago. Foto: BoBo
The Museum of Illusions was opened four months ago. Foto: BoBo

The Museum of Illusions offers all kinds of unusual experiences – it can break you into different colours, you can lose the ground under your feet and enter into a spin, lose your legs, or are turned into lunch! The museum which was opened four months ago offers around 40 different models which take the visitors into the world of imagination.

The number of visitors is constantly increasing, Urška Humar from the Museum explained. During holidays a lot of visitors from abroad visited the museum, while outside the holiday seasons the majority of visitors come from all parts of Slovenia.

The visitors spend the most time in the Playroom, where they have the opportunity to test their grey cells. "A couple of weeks ago two young women spent four hours in the Playroom," she remarked.