As it currently stands, the parties of the political left will field seven parties while the right will field three. Foto: BoBo
As it currently stands, the parties of the political left will field seven parties while the right will field three. Foto: BoBo

In Kranj yesterday, the third new party was formed. Following former Prime Minister Alenka Bratušek and Miro Cerar, former court of audits head Igor Šoltes has formed his own party. As it currently stands, the parties of the political left will field seven parties while the right will field three.
Šoltes’ new party Verjamem (I believe) was quickly put together, after a party congress that was announced two days prior and that ended after just 30 minutes. His party participated in the European parliamentary elections, where it finished in third overall, but first among parties of the left.
In the meantime, the SD and DeSUS parties have announced their intention to cooperate in the next election, although they will not field a joint ticket.